PICTURED: Camp received more snow (and cold and wind) from an end of November storm. What might look like wisps of fog is actually a captured moment of the wind picking up and blowing the new snowfall off the tree tops from up at Eagles Nest.

Thinking of “Giving Tuesday” recently, I was filled with gratitude by the variety of ways countless people support and sustain the Rocky Mountain ministry for all the Tuesdays in the year. Moreover, In spite of the challenges of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, they were overcome and equally matched by the spirit and resilience of campers, guests, donors, volunteers, staff and summer staff that made an experience at camp this year possible.
Speaking of the Spirit, our summer theme “The Fruits of the Spirit: Jesus and KINDNESS, Jesus and JOY, Jesus and PEACE, Jesus and LOVE” taken from Galatians 5:22-23 provided an excellent resource and goal for HOW to navigate the easy days, the hard days and all the days in-between that faith and life have to offer.
As we say farewell to another year, we invite you to continue (or begin) to be a “gift that keeps on giving” here at Rocky Mountain now and in the coming new year as a:
  • Donor making a financial contribution in support of the following four ways:
    • Paying The Legacy Forward Campaign (sustaining the ministry as a place of retreat & community).
    • VISION 2030 Capital Campaign (program, facility and renewable energy improvements).
    • Camper Scholarship Fund (make a summer camp experience possible).
    • Memorial Gifts/Endowment Fund (long term sustainability).
  • Volunteer for a day, a weekend, a week or more.
  • Summer staff member looking to bless and be blessed in serving the campers, guests and each other here at RMMC.
  • Camper or program participant in a program camp offering (rmmc.org).
  • Guest individually or with other family and friends enjoying a facility camp offers.
  • Trading Post shopper (online or on site) looking for a gift for yourself or a friend or family member (yes, every little bit helps).
  • Prayer supporter for the RMMC ministry to further God’s kingdom and be a blessing to all who come to this unique and special place.
  • NEW! Renewable Energy Committee Members are needed to help camp plan for its future energy needs. The first step guided by an energy audit was to help minimize the energy needed in the first place by  changing to LED lighting and increase the roof and wall insulation in camp facilities. The next step is to explore geothermal and solar options for instance to minimize the use of fossil fuels here at RMMC.

We couldn’t do it without you . . . nor would we want to. Blessings to you this Christmas and the coming new year!


Corbin Graber,

Executive Director

PICTURED: Scroll through images of the RMMC ministry