PICTURED:  Improvements to Eagle’s Nest include new carpet in the loft.

Rocky Mountain is blessed with many comfortable and desirable facilities like Eagles Nest which provides a space/place for families and small groups to enjoy retreat and gathering together throughout the year. They also provide an important financial support of the ministry. After many years of serving guests, the time had come to make improvements which care for our guests and program participants (i.e. attractive, comfortable, clean), and housekeeping and maintenance staff in the years to come. The new carpet is a pattern and color that doesn’t immediately show the first sign of dirt when you see it. It is also a commercial grade carpet installed as individual squares which can each be replaced on its own should a stain be unable to be removed.

As for the shower, while the previous ceramic tile finish held up well, the grout became more challenging to keep clean as time went on. In contrast, the newly installed Onyx panels are single sheets with no joints beyond the corners where the walls and shower pan meet each other. For guests, the space offers an attractive and cleaner experience while staying there. For housekeeping and maintenance staff (and volunteers), the space offers less effort and time in cleaning and maintaining.

Camp is glad for the available resources (i.e. funds and labor) along with the opportunity to be good stewards of what has been entrusted to the Rocky Mountain ministry.

PICTURED: The previous square tile shower walls with grout have been replaced with solid panels that give a good first impression to guests and lessen the effort of cleaning and long term maintenance by housekeeping and maintenance staff and volunteers.
PICTURED: New carpet will be enjoyed by guests and staff.

PICTURED: Images of the new shower at Eagle’s Nest. Special thanks to Eldon & Cindy Martens who volunteered to complete the shower renovations. Last winter, they completed a full bathroom renovation at Sky-Hi-View including the addition of a shower using the same Onyx materials. Next stop, the four showers at Emmental!